12 x 1 – Jupiter First Floor: with Jacqueline Hen & Julia Münstermann

14 April - 30 May 2023

12 galleries from Hamburg in the first floor of former Karstadt building, JUPITER.

Participating Galleries:

Drawing Room
Feinkunst Krüger
Golden Hands Gallery

Galerie Carolyn Heinz

galerie holzhauer hamburg
Galerie Nanna Preußners

Produzentengalerie Hamburg
TOM REICHSTEIN contemporary

Ruth Sachse | Kunst der Gegenwart

VisuleX Gallery for Photography


Julia Münstermann
Born in 1977, lives and works in Hamburg and Berlin. Julia Münstermann's paintings deal with light and the limitations of visualization. Her layers of color produce a fleeting shimmer, a surface that on the one hand creates a sense of depth, but on the other confronts the viewer with an impenetrable barrier; a hermetic refusal of familiar reference. The lack of a central motif makes the seamless transitions and infinite depth of these images disorientating and rather reinforces the feeling that we are dealing with an absolute non-representation.

And yet we stand there, alone, strangely affected, staring into their cool emptiness. Münstermann (born in Cologne) is currently a scholarship holder of the Stiftung Kunstfonds. She studied at the Düsseldorf Art Academy under Prof. Jörg Immendorff and Prof. Jan Dibbets. She then received her MFA at De Ateliers 63 in Amsterdam. Recently, she has also taken part in residencies in New York and Beijing.


Jacqueline Hen
Born in 1989, lives and works in Cologne. Jacqueline Hen is an artist and spatial designer and works with performative, expansive installations. She studied visual communication, spatial and experience design at the Berlin University of the Arts and at the Art Center College of Design Pasadena. In her artistic work, she explores possibilities of social transformation through communication and participation at the interface of physical and virtual living spaces. In 2019, her work "Light High" was honored with the International Light Art Award. In the same year, she was appointed a master student at the Berlin University of the Arts. Since 2017, she has been teaching as a research and artistic assistant at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne (KHM) in the Department of Design. She worked as a research associate at the Fraunhofer Center for Responsible Research and Innovation Berlin (2014-2016), focusing on technology transfer research, process design, transformative methods and the development of interactive holographic interfaces. Jacqueline Hen Born 1989, lives and works in Cologne.


Photos: Helge Mundt

Supported by Landesverband Hamburger Galerien e.V.

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